<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.idaobin.com/test/jquery-3.2.1.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.idaobin.com/test/jsencrypt.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () { $("#submit").click(function () { //公钥 var pubKey = "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCAnNXR7lHTpPH/97QOxIp+UusK9/RH5elvEPv6ssL37xGo8vQHh7CCsOonUWWVdi1iVegi7fRCkWeUVlta61EuX141+eKnZcdJe81NeUZ1h3N77JbzElbhhi8Wln6U27xpfkskKASLhQ4dS9DqoJQN/YUhBaBpER287Wjf3X6WmQIDAQAB"; var encrypt = new JSEncrypt(); encrypt.setPublicKey(pubKey); var userName = $("#userName").val(); var pwd = $("#userPwd").val(); if (userName == "") { alert("用户名不能为空"); } else if (pwd == "") { alert("密码不能为空"); } else { $.ajax({ type: 'Post', url: 'login.aspx', data: { userName: userName, pwd: encrypt.encrypt(pwd), //加密密码 op: "login" }, dataType: 'text', success: function (succ) { if (succ === "登录成功") { window.location.href = "/main.aspx"; } else { alert("登录失败"); } } }); } }); });
public class RSACryptoService { /// <summary> /// 私钥 /// </summary> private const string defaultprivateKey = @"MIICXAIBAAKBgQCAnNXR7lHTpPH/97QOxIp+UusK9/RH5elvEPv6ssL37xGo8vQH h7CCsOonUWWVdi1iVegi7fRCkWeUVlta61EuX141+eKnZcdJe81NeUZ1h3N77Jbz Elbhhi8Wln6U27xpfkskKASLhQ4dS9DqoJQN/YUhBaBpER287Wjf3X6WmQIDAQAB AoGANPXgSpkzks6KZJgwyh/+07P7W8HtEqpHLNg2mu5/wK7ue77H5E3oznhhg51O EnTejW7Ir5GDEuJjX78L0W2zOKlBfoT48HB7aZe5XyeqqkMhRWT1k2xxeIJWZzzo 8oT65h6/VVy7LgDUKKfvWoGgegsqs3QTI6EvEZNKIrmDA80CQQCc6FhoMYauqY1P owEq4IaTQNyiONp48gDvcZbD2gY5HrvRAPVsQvJIYhJlJu3XxzRBx6RhzXbk5ZVz EYpjZDajAkEA0dX4hicLgo4sJ26ZSQCYOZLabKGm7+rUixoHvtWMbPfmN5Uj6MMt AEhF8PmqgxZe2r42H25b1bMwx8Jw1B5dkwJAe2uPTrXWOMEJdGDFZFKjyGQ2qCuM PaIt9iok6v0t8/Qmy+mzImsuZJ0v1vzeDOKWSj+dH4kcQkQMYCyl7DRBfQJADQcw 7/tanpd/LE+UmtC7os94WkhLGhhFbAGIu5N8rYNSut66pQgBMkRKe2S07oCkEQbA S4FJmGIQxEZRRQpBmwJBAIwoss9hmrMpA02C7wmW8z4BmXoEDiWw/wqo4trZLkMM J+CNYNrSWgF9E1XpiWjrXfYMwqb+zsjgCmzdYcxoUHk="; /// <summary> /// 公钥 /// </summary> private const string defaultpublicKey = @"MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCAnNXR7lHTpPH/97QOxIp+UusK 9/RH5elvEPv6ssL37xGo8vQHh7CCsOonUWWVdi1iVegi7fRCkWeUVlta61EuX141 +eKnZcdJe81NeUZ1h3N77JbzElbhhi8Wln6U27xpfkskKASLhQ4dS9DqoJQN/YUh BaBpER287Wjf3X6WmQIDAQAB"; private RSACryptoServiceProvider _privateKeyRsaProvider; private RSACryptoServiceProvider _publicKeyRsaProvider; public RSACryptoService(string privateKey = "", string publicKey = "") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(privateKey)) { privateKey = defaultprivateKey; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(publicKey)) { publicKey = defaultpublicKey; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(privateKey)) { _privateKeyRsaProvider = CreateRsaProviderFromPrivateKey(privateKey); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(publicKey)) { _publicKeyRsaProvider = CreateRsaProviderFromPublicKey(publicKey); } } /// <summary> /// 解密 /// </summary> /// <param name="cipherText"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Decrypt(string cipherText) { if (_privateKeyRsaProvider == null) { throw new Exception("_privateKeyRsaProvider is null"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cipherText)) { return ""; } return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_privateKeyRsaProvider.Decrypt(System.Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText), false)); } /// <summary> /// 加密 /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Encrypt(string text) { if (_publicKeyRsaProvider == null) { throw new Exception("_publicKeyRsaProvider is null"); } return Convert.ToBase64String(_publicKeyRsaProvider.Encrypt(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text), false)); } private RSACryptoServiceProvider CreateRsaProviderFromPrivateKey(string privateKey) { var privateKeyBits = System.Convert.FromBase64String(privateKey); var RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); var RSAparams = new RSAParameters(); using (BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(privateKeyBits))) { byte bt = 0; ushort twobytes = 0; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if (twobytes == 0x8130) binr.ReadByte(); else if (twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); else throw new Exception("Unexpected value read binr.ReadUInt16()"); twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if (twobytes != 0x0102) throw new Exception("Unexpected version"); bt = binr.ReadByte(); if (bt != 0x00) throw new Exception("Unexpected value read binr.ReadByte()"); RSAparams.Modulus = binr.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(binr)); RSAparams.Exponent = binr.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(binr)); RSAparams.D = binr.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(binr)); RSAparams.P = binr.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(binr)); RSAparams.Q = binr.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(binr)); RSAparams.DP = binr.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(binr)); RSAparams.DQ = binr.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(binr)); RSAparams.InverseQ = binr.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(binr)); } RSA.ImportParameters(RSAparams); return RSA; } private int GetIntegerSize(BinaryReader binr) { byte bt = 0; byte lowbyte = 0x00; byte highbyte = 0x00; int count = 0; bt = binr.ReadByte(); if (bt != 0x02) return 0; bt = binr.ReadByte(); if (bt == 0x81) count = binr.ReadByte(); else if (bt == 0x82) { highbyte = binr.ReadByte(); lowbyte = binr.ReadByte(); byte[] modint = { lowbyte, highbyte, 0x00, 0x00 }; count = BitConverter.ToInt32(modint, 0); } else { count = bt; } while (binr.ReadByte() == 0x00) { count -= 1; } binr.BaseStream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current); return count; } private RSACryptoServiceProvider CreateRsaProviderFromPublicKey(string publicKeyString) { // encoded OID sequence for PKCS #1 rsaEncryption szOID_RSA_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1" byte[] SeqOID = { 0x30, 0x0D, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00 }; byte[] x509key; byte[] seq = new byte[15]; int x509size; x509key = Convert.FromBase64String(publicKeyString); x509size = x509key.Length; // --------- Set up stream to read the asn.1 encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo blob ------ using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(x509key)) { using (BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(mem)) //wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading { byte bt = 0; ushort twobytes = 0; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if (twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81) binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte else if (twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes else return null; seq = binr.ReadBytes(15); //read the Sequence OID if (!CompareBytearrays(seq, SeqOID)) //make sure Sequence for OID is correct return null; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if (twobytes == 0x8103) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Bit String is 03 81) binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte else if (twobytes == 0x8203) binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes else return null; bt = binr.ReadByte(); if (bt != 0x00) //expect null byte next return null; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); if (twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81) binr.ReadByte(); //advance 1 byte else if (twobytes == 0x8230) binr.ReadInt16(); //advance 2 bytes else return null; twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16(); byte lowbyte = 0x00; byte highbyte = 0x00; if (twobytes == 0x8102) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Integer is 02 81) lowbyte = binr.ReadByte(); // read next bytes which is bytes in modulus else if (twobytes == 0x8202) { highbyte = binr.ReadByte(); //advance 2 bytes lowbyte = binr.ReadByte(); } else return null; byte[] modint = { lowbyte, highbyte, 0x00, 0x00 }; //reverse byte order since asn.1 key uses big endian order int modsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(modint, 0); int firstbyte = binr.PeekChar(); if (firstbyte == 0x00) { //if first byte (highest order) of modulus is zero, don't include it binr.ReadByte(); //skip this null byte modsize -= 1; //reduce modulus buffer size by 1 } byte[] modulus = binr.ReadBytes(modsize); //read the modulus bytes if (binr.ReadByte() != 0x02) //expect an Integer for the exponent data return null; int expbytes = (int)binr.ReadByte(); // should only need one byte for actual exponent data (for all useful values) byte[] exponent = binr.ReadBytes(expbytes); // ------- create RSACryptoServiceProvider instance and initialize with public key ----- RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); RSAParameters RSAKeyInfo = new RSAParameters(); RSAKeyInfo.Modulus = modulus; RSAKeyInfo.Exponent = exponent; RSA.ImportParameters(RSAKeyInfo); return RSA; } } } private bool CompareBytearrays(byte[] a, byte[] b) { if (a.Length != b.Length) return false; int i = 0; foreach (byte c in a) { if (c != b[i]) return false; i++; } return true; } }
RSACryptoService rsa = new RSACryptoService(); string pwd = rsa.Decrypt(Request["pwd"]); //解密 //string pwd = rsa.Encrypt(Request["pwd"]); //加密
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